Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Up late

Well I just finished typing up a review for my students. I'm trying to ride this technology push that the district is on. I like being able to have a class blog and such but I'm not sure how much it's being used. I'd like it to be a living document and form of communication between me and the kids, but it hasn't gotten there yet. I don't know if it's due to lack of access or just lack of caring but at least I'm trying. I'm enjoying my new school but I miss somethings about my old school too. I guess that just comes with change. I hope that my kids perform like I know they can. It just seems like sometimes it's a set up for a teacher. You do all they tell you to do and when it comes down to it you're left with your head in your hands wondering what happened. I'm hoping for the best. Sidebar: I'm still not convinced by the Apple hype. I guess it's just not my cup of tea.
I just wanted to check in and say hi to the folks who take the time to read my ramblings. I haven't had too many wacky things going on so I haven't had much to say. I guess that's good and bad. With that being said I'll call it a night. Have a good one.

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