So a jury of her peers found her not guilty and it set off a wave of dissent and anger. As I sat with my aunt, yesterday, watching the verdict and post trial punditry go on and on about how shocked they were and how they couldn't believe she got off, there was one thing mentioned that got brushed over. They all admitted that the public had more info than the jury. They admitted but didn't want to harp on the fact that the general public knew more that the jury. This was a very important fact. The jury ruled based on the evidence that was given to them. Obviously, the prosecution didn't present a good enough case to convince the jury of the defendant's guilt. I've heard a lot of people talk about how unemotional the lady was or how she was out partying while her child was missing, and how it took her so long to report the child missing. All of those things look bad, but they don't necessarily prove her guilt. That's what the public needs to be made aware of. We can't send people to jail based on the suspicious things they do. Our justice system has been criticized numerous times over the years, but sadly enough it's the one we have and in this case it worked just the way it was supposed to. The jury was selected, they were presented with evidence and they ruled based on that evidence. So if people want to look at someone to be upset with, then point your blame at the prosecution. Did Anthony commit the crime...we may never know, but the system worked the way it was supposed to. Feel free to comment. Let's talk about it.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Casey Anthony
So a jury of her peers found her not guilty and it set off a wave of dissent and anger. As I sat with my aunt, yesterday, watching the verdict and post trial punditry go on and on about how shocked they were and how they couldn't believe she got off, there was one thing mentioned that got brushed over. They all admitted that the public had more info than the jury. They admitted but didn't want to harp on the fact that the general public knew more that the jury. This was a very important fact. The jury ruled based on the evidence that was given to them. Obviously, the prosecution didn't present a good enough case to convince the jury of the defendant's guilt. I've heard a lot of people talk about how unemotional the lady was or how she was out partying while her child was missing, and how it took her so long to report the child missing. All of those things look bad, but they don't necessarily prove her guilt. That's what the public needs to be made aware of. We can't send people to jail based on the suspicious things they do. Our justice system has been criticized numerous times over the years, but sadly enough it's the one we have and in this case it worked just the way it was supposed to. The jury was selected, they were presented with evidence and they ruled based on that evidence. So if people want to look at someone to be upset with, then point your blame at the prosecution. Did Anthony commit the crime...we may never know, but the system worked the way it was supposed to. Feel free to comment. Let's talk about it.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Day 17
We got a chance to see more of London today. We went to the London school of economics to hear a former member of Parliament speak. He was very knowledgeable and interesting. After that, we went for a medieval banquet for lunch. Post lunch we made our way to the tower of London and got a chance to see the crown jewels and other royal emblems. The jewels were pretty amazing. Then we took a boat ride on the river Thames.
We ate at Ye olde cock tavern, where we had rewarmed hamburgers that weren't that great. We are then heading to the theater to see love never dies. I can't lie I'm sort of tired, I hope I can stay up through it. And stay up I did! That play was awesome! Love never dies was a down right marvelous way to end this trip.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Day 16
Headed to foggy London town today. She be a fun day. We get to see the changing of the guards, the tower of London, the London eye and whatever else London can throw at us.
We stopped at Harrod's to have a look around and that place is ridiculous! Nuff said.
We spent the day walking around London and our tour guide was a piece of work. A quite quaint old lady, but was very all over the place. She made for a great tour.
It was a long day. We had an interesting time with a couple of delegates who took some extra time shopping, but we handled the situation. All and all it was a long day.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Day 15
We're off to Warwick castle today. We get to see yet another medieval castle but today we get to have a medieval feast in the castle for dinner. Should be fun!
After a short trip from Wales to England we arrived in Chester to shop a little and eat lunch. Chester is a cool little town. I could live here. Now on our way to the castle.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Day 14
<p>We had a full on day today in Wales. We did some board breaking and castle repelling and good times were had. Needless to say.....I rocked the repelling. I could probably be an instructor. Moving on......we finished the full on stuff and made our way back to the hotel to chill for the night. <br>
Now I'm really feeling like eating a steak or some Lamb chops (fact : there is a 4:1 sheep to person ratio in Wales) , they can spare a Lamb or two :). Now I'm hungry. We're heading back to the hotel. I hope dinner is good.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Day 13
We're leaving our home stay families today en route to Wales. After a 2 hour ferry ride, we'll arrive in Wales on the way to the hotel. Laundry needs to be done TODAY! I'm just about out of pants. Hopefully that can be done at the hotel. Irish vocabulary : fresh red - a light that just turned red therefore able to be run. Lol!
We made it to Wales. We'll be repelling down a castle wall tomorrow. Should be fun.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Day 12 - Dublin
Our first night at the hone stay was amazing. We had great food and even better conversation. Today was went to the Dublin town center and got a chance to see Trinity college, Temple bar area, and a host of other sights that Dublin had to offer. The kids got some free time to shop and see the sights and we got a chance to go off on our own in town. I had a great tike today. We came back to our home stay and we had shepherd's pie and ice cream and tea. It was a good day.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Day 11
Today we left end route to Dublin. We stopped at a restaurant in Kildaire for lunch and we had the beat waitress ever a little red haired elderly lady named Mary. She was very grandmotherly. After that we headed to another glacial park in Glendalough. It was an old church settlement in the valley founded by St. Kevin. After leaving the park we continued on to Dublin to meet our home stay families.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Day 10
Leaving Limmerick and now on the way to the gap of Dunloe in Killarney for a horse and buggy ride and a float on a boat.
The horse carriage ride and the boat ride through the gap of Dunloe was absolutely gorgeous. Aside from the rain showers its a beautiful glacial valley with lush green scenery and numerous lakes. The granite peaks out of the green mountain side to give a glimpse of the pass' volcanic history. I'll post some pics soon.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Day 9
The first half of our day was spent traveling. We switched coaches about half way and then had lunch and we ate at Flanagan's in Kildaire. After that we made our way to another castle (Bunratty). We received a nice tour through the castle it's very old and surrounded by two rivers and the ocean. One of the smaller castles we've been to. Then to our hotel. We have some nice accommodations for the night. Folks seem to be pleased.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Day 8
Today we went to Coleraine Academic Institution. It's an all boys school in Coleraine, Ireland. It is a facility over 150 years old and a fine academic institution. We got a chance to meet some of the students and take a tour of the school. The girls loved it since it was an all boy school. The guys enjoyed talking to the guys at the school also. The vice principal was a nice guy and very knowledgeable. Now we're on the way to the causeway and the rope bridge. We also brought the sunshine with us so let's hope the day continues like this.
We've made it to the Giant's Causeway (built by Finn McCool) and we're going to walk along the coast to an old rope bridge across some of Ireland's most beautiful scenery. The kids are in high gear right now and it's good to see them enjoying themselves. I would consider this day a home run.
We made it to and from the rope bridge. Today we definitely got our workouts in. We walked up and down a cliff face and to the end of Ireland. On the way now to the hotel to eat and then get ready for a lesson tonight about the Irish conflict. Oh oh oh....our new bus driver's name is Shamus and he looks like a wee leprechaun :). Cheers!
Monday, June 13, 2011
Day 7
We said goodbye to Gordie (pronounced Jordie), our coach driver, and now we're on the way to Belfast in Northern Ireland. The ferry (just like a cruise) had some great food and one of the few places we've been with free wifi. That's been nice to be able to post a few messages, read an email or two and put up a couple of pics. I think I'm going to find a place to nestle in and take a nap. I'll let you know how the rest of the day goes. Cheers, for now.
After our tour of Belfast we made it to our hotel for tthe night. A lovely holiday inn right outside of the city. The kids are excited and I think the other leaders are too. Belfast has a rich history. They've seen everything from civil war to the invention of the AC. Awesome place. Cheery-o for now.
Day 6
Today we spent the day in Edinburgh. It was a nice town. Very old and historic. We spent some time at the Edinburgh castle and on the Royal mile. We ended the day at another hostel. This one was much nicer than the last. It had private bathrooms and sinks in the room. Tomorrow we head out to Ireland and our coach driver warned us not to wear orange or green because of the potential of bodily harm in the torn town of Belfast. Like some real bloods and crips type stuff. Tomorrow should be interesting.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Day 5
We started the day off at a sheep farm. We got to help sheer the sheep and we also got a chance to talk to the farmer about how he trains his dogs, the state of agriculture in Scotland and a host of other topics. He was impressed with the kids and the questions they had for him.
We then went to Loch Ness. It's a beautiful place. We didn't get to see nessie but got some good "insider info" about her. We got a chance to go out on a boat in the loch and took some really good pictures of the area. We finished the day off with some free time for the kids at the shopping center down the street from our hostel. It seemed to be a pretty good day.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Day 4
We went white water rafting and the water was freezing but it was a good time. The kids seemed to have enjoyed themselves. Now we're on the way to Blair castle for some Haggis and a tour!
The haggis wasn't bad. Look it up if you don't know what it is. We then spent some time at Blair castle. It would've been nice if we could've gone in but oh well. We took a nice tractor rode around the grounds and got a chance to see the lovely countryside. Now we're heading to our hostel and get ready to do some shopping for our next few meals. This should be interesting.
The hostel is very basic. I've seen worse so I'm not complaining. We'll be here for a couple of days and then on to the next locale. Tomorrow we go to a farm and sheer sheep and watch a sheep herder and his dog do their thing.
I've included a pic of Blair castle for your viewing pleasure. Time for some rest.
Day 3
We spent the day at St. Andrew's. We saw the ruins of the old cathedral, the university and of course the golf course. It was a beautiful course right on the water. After we left we went to the hotel and got a chance to talk to a real Highlander (there can be only one!). I got a chance to wear a kilt and weild some weapons. Good times.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Day 2
After the overnight flight, everyone was tired. We went to an abbey, an old jail, and got a chance to see the Irish countryside. It's ridiculously green over here but very rainy. Most of the time on the bus today, the kids slept. The jetlag was getting the best of just about everyone. Our hotel is right next to a beautiful loch nestled in between some mountains. It looks like something off of lord of the rings. That's all for now.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Day 1
I'm waiting in the Newark airport to board the plane. Seems like I have a good group of students. Seems like there are some very interesting personalities in our delegation.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Yes we got him, but now what?
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Doing the most good
Friday, March 4, 2011
Jobs and jobless numbers
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Gas and jobs
It would be really nice if my paycheck went up when gas prices did. It's ridiculous that we're up to over 3 dollars a gallon based on speculation alone. Can we have an actual shortage or something before shooting prices through the roof? Supposedly, gas has gotten to its current level because of instability in the middle east. Funny thing is that we still have the same amount of oil being pumped out and even more in reserves. I hope someone gets us off this oil dependency real soon. The oil companies have run the world long enough. This is ridiculous. I'm out!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Edutainment and the modern education system
The conversation not being had is the fact that we’re using a WW2 educational system to educate a 21st century student. We can no longer expect students to come out of high school and be able to find a job that could eventually land them in the middle class. Years ago that was feasible. Now we must train students to use their talents and prepare them for a more uncertain yet competitive job market. Students need to be able to recognize what they are good at and find ways to utilize those skills. We also need to prepare today’s student for the reality that they may stay in a job for 5-7 years and then may need more training. They need to realize that we are no longer in a time where your career is a 20-25 year guarantee. These are the life skills that need to be included in the modern education system. The school system is in need of a complete tear down and rebuild. That rebuild should be lead by people in the class room and should end with the lawmakers and not the other way around. When that day will come no one knows, but the sooner we start tackling these issues, the sooner we can see our education system turn around.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Why job growth is slow
Friday, February 18, 2011
Self worth...for what it's worth
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
It's getting heavy
Days after writing a post about education cuts in the state, I now see pockets of deep educational regress and distress around the country. The most notable is in Wisconsin. The teachers are about to have sick outs. The governor is about to cut off unions all together and it looks like states across the nation are watching this play out ready to pounce at their chance to do the same. My problem with all of this is that the real issue at hand constantly gets lost in the shuffle. Why aren't the kids learning. Some say because of teacher tenure,some point the finger at unions,some say it's laziness. Whichever camp you're in the fact remains we need to fix education.
I think the current system is in shambles and needs to be reconstructed, not reformed. We should allow students to leave high school with marketable skills that they can use that will give them skills to get work experience as well as career guidance. Schools nowadays are setup identically to the system we had during World War 1. Are we still living in a ww1 society? Last time I checked I would have to say no. So why shouldn't our education system advance? In order to do this we need to realize primary and secondary education is the foundation of our society. Second we need to realize if we want a society that can fix and avoid future problems it must have an educated populous. Finally, we need to stop politicizing education. It shouldn't be something that someone runs on. It should be something that we all look to in order to better ourselves and in turn our society. As I've stated before this situation will get worse before it gets better. It's up to us to fix it.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
What you get and what you miss with the cr48
We’ll start with what it’s lacking and move on from there.
1. No local storage - This would probably be the most recognizable shortcoming of this unit at this time. You can’t save anything “on” the computer. Any saving is done directly to the cloud (your Google account). This is fine for things created in the cloud, but if you want to save your friend’s pictures from the latest meet up on your unit that may be a problem. That leads me to the second thing missing.
2. Can’t read external media - As of right now, external media can’t be easily read. So even if you just want to upload some pictures to your Picasa account from a jump drive right now you may have some difficulties. The file manager on the cr48 is very bare bones and doesn’t yet seem to be able to read files and manage or organize them for use from an external device. This is something that may or may not be addressed in production models, but for now it’s pretty much unusable.
3. No offline mode - You can not operate in an offline mode that will allow you to still work on docs, spreadsheets, etc. I’ve heard some people say they can, but in my testing I wasn’t able to get it to work. The unit does come with 100 Mb of free data per month for 2 years from Verizon, but I didn’t see how to make it work without data. Supposedly the google apps are supposed to have an offline function and the apps in the Chrome OS web store give devs the ability to allow their apps to run offline, so this may be something coming in the future.
Those are the most notable downfalls to this unit. They may seem big but when it comes to day to day use, these things are not that big of a deal for basic browsing and functionality. I use the cr 48 for Internet browsing, watching Youtube, blogging, checking email and listening to podcast and so far it has performed beautifully, outside of the occasional flash player crash. So what do you get with this machine?
1. Awesome battery - For starters the battery life on this thing is epic. 7-8 hours on average with heavy use (videos, streaming, email, sleep mode, etc.). I’ve enjoyed being able to use this machine for 3-4 hours and not having to worry about looking for the charger. What makes it even better is the fact you can come back a day later open it up and continue using it for another few hours before having to find the charger. Bottom line is that it has great battery life.
2, Great security - Allows your usage to be protected by a password and you can also allow guests to use your computer in guest mode. Guess mode allows other users to work without having to worry about them reading your email or having access to any of your account information. When they log off it clears their data, so they can also be assured that their information is safe.
3. Sleek design and ultra-portability - The size and feel of the unit is very sleek and lightweight. It would be very easy to carry around with you to work, class, on a trip and not have to worry about carrying the charger. You can easily make it through a day with this unit.
4. Webcam and microphone - You can enjoy video chatting on the go using the gtalk app and the integrated web cam and mic. The quality seems to be pretty good and both are very usable. Note: There is no Skype app for it right now. Right now you may be limited to gtalk, ustream and a few other apps in the web store in order to do video chatting.
So there you have an insider look at the cr 48. As stated earlier, this was not meant to be a review. Just an overview of what I’ve seen in my first few days using this awesome little machine. If you have questions or if there’s something you would like be to check out for you let me know. Until next time....take care.
CR48 better than a tablet
Friday, February 11, 2011
Should we be worried?
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Write as much as I can
Alright world it's about that time. About to ramp up my editorial skills and get some writing done. I have a few different outlets that I'll be publishing for so it should keep me pretty busy and focused. I'm going to get a writing schedule set up to aid me in the creative process. This should be fun. I'll be writing for the, some android sites and who knows what else. We'll see. Take care!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Time to get back to work
After 4 days off from work, tomorrow is time to get back to it. I've enjoyed my days off and half heartedly look forward to going back. I'll be glad to see my students and coworkers but I don't look forward to the politics of being a teacher. The administration, the paperwork and all of the other red tape that goes along with it. I'm not going to complain though. I'm happy to have a job and will keep looking forward to the next step in life. Until then, I'll try to have a positive influence on as many as possible and make the best of the situation I'm in. Take care all. Good night.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Snow day
After days of sitting around the house I've had ample time to sit and think. I think I'm ready for a change, ready to accept the gifts and blessings laid out before me, ready to help those I can, ready move on, ready to do my best. The more I think about life the more i appreciate the things I've been blessed with. As the snow comes down I get to ponder all of the opportunities that I've seized and the ones I've let slip away. The plan is to make the most of each day. With my plan set I'm ready for whatever life brings. Take care.
About Me
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Blog Archive
- Gas and jobs
- School Districts Offering Teacher Buyouts
- Long reaching consequences of the education debacle
- Operation education
- Edutainment and the modern education system
- Cuts are hitting close to home
- Why job growth is slow
- Self worth...for what it's worth
- It's getting heavy
- What you get and what you miss with the cr48
- CR48 better than a tablet
- Should we be worried?
- Write as much as I can
- Time to get back to work
- Snow day